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Well, at 12 midnight on my birthday I was into my 6th hour of doing this vector art piece. It's Chris Evans by the way, in TIGHT pants. hehe .. u can find it on my DeviantArt page as well. It was a lotta fun, but extremely tedious. Anyways, I'm planning to go further into vector art portraits.. so keep voting for the next guy i'll do. (:
Celebrated my birthday at MOS last night. Everyone went and it was sooo much fun. hehe .. To all who were there, i love you all (you know who you are :), thanks for coming. (: We were there from opening to closing .. god i missed retro. Haha .. weird how I used to hate Mambo night. Lol.. Right. So.. i should probably start studying MRM. :|
Well I don't feel better
When I'm fucking around
And I don't write better
When I'm stuck in the ground
So don't teach me a lesson
Cause I've already learned
Yeah the sun will be shining
And my children will burn
I don't want what you want
I don't feel what you feel
See I'm stuck in a city
But I belong in a field
Now it's three in the morning and you're eating alone
All our friends, they're laughing at us
All of those you loved you mistrust
Help me I'm just not quite myself
Look around there's no one else there
I went to the concert and I fought through the crowd
Guess I got too excited when I thought you were around
I'm sorry you were thinking; I would steal your fire.
My heart beats in its cage