I am always pleasantly surprised when I read an article that tells me exactly what I am - a sheep. Trends have always amazed me, especially when I consider myself above them. Because I might discover a practically unheard-of band or a cool new dj today and tomorrow it's in Catalog, along with an article about how the indie and electro scene has never been closer and is on the verge of being power-blended together. So how did I come to have a playlist full of electro bands and djs? No one told me to go listen to them, yet it happened to me and it happened to everyone else. It's effing amazing, the mechanics of trends.
Anyways, with my fairly juvenile love of all kinds of techno, trance, eurodance and electro, coupled with my incessant - and sometimes anal - affection for album art AND my infant-like attraction to bright colours, I have come to be a proud owner of this smashing playlist and I would like to recommend them all to you guys, though I don't doubt that you may already have them all. I want to share the love!
On a side note, today is the first day of my life that I've ever bought - and owned - my very own insurance (no one else valued my life enough to get it for me ): Well, if you don't count travel insurance or the shitty medi-shield garbage. I am now insured for everything from losing an eyeball - hurhur creameye - to going insane and shitting all over myself (i highly recommend the c&c boys to sign up for this one). I can even claim for medical expenses if i go to lunway sagoon and fall off an inflatable tube and scratch my knee or fall off my bicycle because i was adjusting my panties! Awesome eh? And all for $21 a month! shioookkk! I'm gonna be living on the edgier from now on. So if any of you guys have a sudden and compelling urge to stab me in the vadge or run me over with a monster truck, please go right ahead cause IT'S ALL GOOD!
Album list in order:
- Goose - Bring it On
- Teenage Bad Girl - Cocotte
- Para One - Epiphanie
- Does It Offend You, Yeah? - You have no idea what you are getting yourself into
- Soulwax - Most of the Remixes
- Cassius - 15 Again
- The Infadels - Universe In Reverse
- MSTRKRFT - The Looks
- The Presets - Apocalypso
- The Presets - The Beams
- Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
- Digitalism - Digitalism
- Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
- Cut Copy - Bright Like Neon Love
- Santogold - Santogold
- Yelle - Pop-up
Jules: ya i know fuck i'm becoming Paju