Thursday, November 27

Neon Knights

Listening to street justice by mstrkrft

I am always pleasantly surprised when I read an article that tells me exactly what I am - a sheep. Trends have always amazed me, especially when I consider myself above them. Because I might discover a practically unheard-of band or a cool new dj today and tomorrow it's in Catalog, along with an article about how the indie and electro scene has never been closer and is on the verge of being power-blended together. So how did I come to have a playlist full of electro bands and djs? No one told me to go listen to them, yet it happened to me and it happened to everyone else. It's effing amazing, the mechanics of trends.

Anyways, with my fairly juvenile love of all kinds of techno, trance, eurodance and electro, coupled with my incessant - and sometimes anal - affection for album art AND my infant-like attraction to bright colours, I have come to be a proud owner of this smashing playlist and I would like to recommend them all to you guys, though I don't doubt that you may already have them all. I want to share the love!

On a side note, today is the first day of my life that I've ever bought - and owned - my very own insurance (no one else valued my life enough to get it for me ): Well, if you don't count travel insurance or the shitty medi-shield garbage. I am now insured for everything from losing an eyeball - hurhur creameye - to going insane and shitting all over myself (i highly recommend the c&c boys to sign up for this one). I can even claim for medical expenses if i go to lunway sagoon and fall off an inflatable tube and scratch my knee or fall off my bicycle because i was adjusting my panties! Awesome eh? And all for $21 a month! shioookkk! I'm gonna be living on the edgier from now on. So if any of you guys have a sudden and compelling urge to stab me in the vadge or run me over with a monster truck, please go right ahead cause IT'S ALL GOOD!

Album list in order:
  1. Goose - Bring it On
  2. Teenage Bad Girl - Cocotte
  3. Para One - Epiphanie
  4. Does It Offend You, Yeah? - You have no idea what you are getting yourself into
  5. Soulwax - Most of the Remixes
  6. Cassius - 15 Again
  7. The Infadels - Universe In Reverse
  8. MSTRKRFT - The Looks
  9. The Presets - Apocalypso
  10. The Presets - The Beams
  11. Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
  12. Digitalism - Digitalism
  13. Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
  14. Cut Copy - Bright Like Neon Love
  15. Santogold - Santogold
  16. Yelle - Pop-up
Happy diu-diu-diu-ing!

Jules: ya i know fuck i'm becoming Paju

Wednesday, November 26

Me Me Meme

Brilliant ad by TWBA Vancouver [via]

SO, here's 6 not-so-fascinating facts about me:
  1. I am obsessed with buying things that have no use to me (just in case I might need it one day).
  2. I have a tin of ashes from my cigarettes, I pledged to quit when it's full.
    It's almost half-full now.
  3. I think I might shrivel up and die if I went for a month without Asian food.
  4. I often fantasize about running away and not telling anyone so that I can live by the moment.
  5. I sometimes like to eat Bovril out of the jar. Mixed with my best friend's mum's famous chilli sauce.
  6. [EDIT] HAHAHAHAHA YES I CAN'T COUNT AWESOME! HOKAY 6. I am extremely nice and friendly to the maid who cleans our office once a week because I feel guilty for being a bitch to the maid who cleaned my house when i was growing up.
Tagged! I'm officially tagging my most loved friends, Joo, Moo and Poo. And whoever else read this.

Rules! There are too many.. just pass it on (:

Sunday, November 23

Josh Keyes

This is going to be a long post because this guy, Josh Keyes, is just so brilliant. I really want to share his work here but there were just too many out of a massive gallery to pick from.

On a really shallow level, i just love how he dissects things and serves it to you like a slice of pie. But I think the most moving thing about his work is how he uses simple things like a slab of water, an animal, a piece of earth and a bit of man-made debris and puts them together with such empathy and in a way that no one has ever imagined just to show us how beautiful nature is and what we're doing to it.

The man himself, Josh Keyes. I was so moved by his work that when I found out his prints were for sale at USD400 a pop I was ready to buy one on the spot. Unfortunately they were already sold out.

If you have the time you should definitely drop by his gallery to view the rest of his set. All of the above are under the paintings section.

Thursday, November 20

Yet Another Beautiful Video

Something that I know you guys will appreciate.

found off Yimmys Yayo.

Lily Piyathaisere: Thanks! I love your blog.. i'm a subscriber.
Mavis: Dude tt's cool shit man.. do they do it every episode?

Tuesday, November 18

Get Giffy

There's something so mesmerizing about good GIF animations. I just can't tear my eyes away from them!

And while we're on the topic of things on loop, this video titled Timesculpture is a new ad by Toshiba that completely blew my mind away.. it was shot with TWO HUNDRED Toshiba Gigashot Cameras! Timesculpture uses ground-breaking new technology that's evolved straight out of the Matrix and an awesome style reminiscent of Feist topped with Crystal Castles for a soundtrack. It is srsly a must-watch (MUST I SAY!).

On a third note, I just remembered another must-watch video. Now tt I've gotten stop-motion, time-lapse, tilt-shift and loopy videos out of my system, there is just one left - Super slow-mo. Schwepps did an amazing ad a few months back with - at the time - new technology that involves water balloons popping slowed down to 2000 frames per second! It's just pretty damn cool when you get to see a ball of water floating in mid-air. Please bear with me, you will not regret watching this video:

Monday, November 17

Big and Beautiful

I was searching for some stock images with my keywords set as 'blonde wood'. This is what I found:

This Australian girl takes self-portraits and posts them up on deviantArt. She has some very beautiful photos in her gallery, such as this to which somebody commented, 'You are Really pretty. And beautiful pose too!'. After I spent 10 minutes browsing through her photos and full-appreciating her beauty, I decided to share this wonderful collection with my colleague. Her immediate response was to send me this:

I felt like I had stumbled upon a christmas catalogue for suckling pigs.


If I were to be obsessed with videos, it would be only for brilliant stop-motion videos like the ones from eatPES:

My personal favourite: Western Spaghetti

and The Human Skateboard. srsly amazing shit.

and time-lapse videos. Wait.. lets throw in tilt-shift too!

Bathtub II from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 11


Listening to Ice Cream by New Young Pony Club

Everyone needs a pick-me-up.

Linked from Sal.

Monday, November 10

Six Feet Under

Every episode starts with a death.

Six Feet Under. My first impression was how interesting it was to look at the life of a family born into the funeral business. It really struck me how a show full of relationships, humour and (straight & gay) sex could bring out death, loneliness and loss in such profound ways.

It is an incredibly deep film. It opened my eyes and made me think about the life I live. It made me realise how little we really know - and treasure - about the ones that are closest to us. It is so terribly easy to look them in the eye and pretend that nothing is wrong. It is so easy for us to not notice that they are hurting. Because we don't want to face the fucked up thoughts we have. We just dream of brittle things, pretend that this is the life that we really want, run towards what we believe will make us happy, blissfully ignorant of the fact that we run towards shit. How many of us will really grow old and say we were happy with the lives we had?

The truth is, we're all just afraid of being alone. We're willing to close an eye and take the suffering that comes with the people we surround ourselves with. And we'll bitch and whine about them and think about all the shitty things about them but we'll never leave, because we're just too scared.

I guess I've come to a point in my life where I've realised how alone I am. In the thoughts that I would never share. It is so easy to realise that even when there are people all around me, they are not really there. I'm not sure if it's all worth it, and I'm not sure of what the point is when I have already seen. Maybe I am just like the rest, chasing rainbows.

I miss being a part of a real family.

Obama Force One

Listening to Video Clash by Marshall Jefferson

I must say that I'm getting a little sick of all the Obama talk. I mean I support him and all and i'm glad he won but the whole world just can't stop talking about him. Even the people who don't have a say. But I guess to be fair, whatever happens to the States affects the rest of the world.

Anyways, the only thing i have to say about his campaign is that it's pretty amazing how he captured the hearts of the youth. Nearly every American design site had some form of Obama periphernalia; Obama posters, Obama t-shirts, Obama everything. And I just wanted to share the most brilliant and touching one I've come across:

Congratulations, Barack, lets hope the world doesn't start hating you tomorrow.