Wednesday, January 28

When I grow up

Listening to Beams by The Presets


I'm not quite sure why I love gay men so much, perhaps it's because they are just so much more free than straight people, and I envy that.

Tommy's big birthday/house party yesterday was just so much fun. Priya and I started drinking at 5pm and we didn't stop till close to 7 in the morning. There were bartenders and waitresses, an open bar, a buffet with the most awesome porridge ever and a wicked dj. What more could we have wanted? We srsly drank and ate and drank and ate and then drank and ate again. And in between we'd either be dancing or lounging by the pool with our bowls of porridge and cigarettes, watching the stars and talking to random people. It was soooo chilled out but happening at the same time. I think Tommy and Glen have to be the coolest 50-year-olds I know, I wanna be like them when I grow up.

Also, I'm quite proud to announce that my latest ranking of most alcoholic friends would be:
  1. Steph
  2. Andrew
  3. Priya
As you can see below, Priya finally hit her limit last night. I think, Mavis, Weiming and I all have photographic evidence. This is her passed out on the little chair in the majong room. Though she was up and dancing again after about 10 minutes. hahaha

Tuesday, January 27


Listening to Shine On by Degrees of Motion

This has to be the most insanely jam packed and most awesome CNY weekend of my life. I feel like whenever I pee now it's just all alcohol. After going to bed at 8am this morning and dragging myself out of it at 3, i rushed down to vivo to meet c&c and poo and i were just soooo stoned. It's weird cause I had 7hrs of sleep but i'm srsly tired as fuck. I am gonna be good and sleep early tonight to conserve my energy for the big house party tmrw (:

This is the cutest thing ever. It's about a greedy dog called Stains and the trance he goes into when he can't eat. HAHAHA [via]

I also found these insanely cool earphones, a collab between David Burel and Parra which are limited edition and already sold out. But I hear there might be more coming soon!


Saturday, January 24

A Certain Romance

Listening to Slide by The Goo Goo Dolls

"I wasn't trying to reck Candy's life, i was trying to make mine better" - Candy (2006)

Over the past two days I watched two hauntingly brilliant films. One was Candy, which I got from Jules. Candy, blew me away. I can honestly say that it's one of those films I will never forget. Candy tells the story of a pair of heroin junkies in love, and the lengths they went to for their addiction and how their lives inevitably went wrong. Heath Ledger and fellow aussie, Abbie Cornish did such amazing jobs in their roles. It was one of those movies that hit so close to home that it was so.. beautifully painful to watch. I'm gonna hunt the book down and read it.

The second, is The Notebook. I'm slightly ashamed to say this but this was the first time I saw the movie, despite having heard everyone rave about it time and time again. It just so happened that I was talking to a friend about it the other day. I downloaded it and .. I can't think of words to describe how sweet and sad it was at the same time. It was just, one of the most romantic movies I'd ever seen (and not in a sickening chick-flick kind of way). I have to agree that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have to be the best on and off screen couples ever.

'Here is the deepest secret nobody knows. Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart... I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart. ' - The Notebook (2004)

I want to kill myself, srsly. These two movies were just, so brilliant that I want to kill myself. They made me want to smoke 5 packs in a night, be a junkie, throw caution to the wind, pack up and leave, live in a hole, search for my answers and fall in love again.

And no Jules, I do not need therapy, thank you very much.

I am thirsty..

Listening to A Good Year For The Robots by Coparck

I love brilliantly executed ideas, and these Hooker's Delight martini glasses from Athens-based Greece Is For Lovers are a perfect example. And pretty too! I wouldn't mind some of these for my birthday. Though there are only 80 limited edition ones for sale.

Anyways, after a relatively torturous week at work, i finally managed to clear my rss. I am so totally owned by my rss. I did find this gem though:

A good ad to watch, The Shoreditch Short Film Festival ad. Short being the relative word.


Saturday, January 17

Adding and Subtracting

Listening to Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer

I found this off David's ffffound acc and it sparked a new obsession. I mean, that shit, is fucking freaky. And I'm not talking about the fact that this man has an extra arm. The scary thing about it is that he has a twin brother, and that is his brother's arm. In what I would count as the most extreme body mod case I've seen till date, one brother (Ryan) had his right arm amputated at the shoulder and immediately reattached to his brother (Dave)'s arm. Similarly, Dave had half of a finger removed and 'added' to one of Ryan's fingers:

Seriously. What. The. Fuck. This is like srsly the most twisted shit ever. Their future plans include removing the rest of Dave's finger stump, including the bone attached to it, all the way to the wrist and then shifting his pinky over so that he looks like he has only 4 fingers. Can u imaging the type of girls these guys have sex with? omg i bet they have like 2 vaginas or something. Anyways, if you're curious, you should read the full article here.

I spent most of my afternoon going through the rest of the bodymod website, and wtf man.. why, are there so many scary people in the world? If you notice, the guy above actually expanded his NOSE piercing. wtfff!! If you can stomach it, you can check out his penis (srsly NSFW) too. And also, if you're wondering why he has such a big dick it's because he's a porn star. I believe he has this thing where u get a Prince Albert and then u expand it (like how people do it with their earlobes). What usually follows after that is called a meatotomy, where they expand that hole further until the underside of the dickhead splits, like a forked tongue. Can I just say again, WTFFF!!!! AND i think he has the same sorta thing going through his balls. How he still produces sperm, i have no idea.

If you are still interested in reading more, this couple is damn scary too, they specialise in suspension.

[edit] Okay guys, I just found out the twin brother thing is a hoax. It was an april fools joke -_- but thank god there aren't people out there who are so twisted.

Friday, January 16


More things to add to my 'must get before I die' list,

Watermelon shoes from Vans [via] and a hamburger bed [via].

Also.. found a scarily disturbing photo off ffffound which is almost comparable to the Scrotal Elephantitis one, preggers stretch marks omg. She actually looks like her belly's really hairy, but noooooo it's fuckin stretch marks! wtf mate! I'm starting to feel very anti-children these days.

Wednesday, January 14


Listening to Battleships by Travis

Spotted this lovely ad campaign off ibelieveinadv. I think I loved it mostly cause I'm such a huge mambo fan, but I have to admit the rest of the series was just as clever and funny. Check it out here.

Babies are Aliens

Listening to The Verve = Bittersweet Symphony by Unkle

I just came across this series of photographs on Lifelounge by french photographer Thierry Bouët. The article said, "His latest series has sought to highlight they're freakishness by photographing 50 newborn babies at point blank in their first hours out from the womb." and dude, they are fucking freaky. Babies are total aliens. Why would anyone go through 9 months of pregnancy and 2843742 hrs of labour just for that?!

Some of them are quite funny though, cause they look like someone liquified their faces. Don't they also look like some of the faces that we make? HAHAHAHAHAHA


Lets make holes

Listening to Someday You Will be Loved by DCFC

Some exciting news! After bugging the talented yet lazy Samuel Rockstar for the longest time, I decided to take matters into my own hands. So, i did up a proper draft for my next tattoo and chucked it at him, and he says we can do it tomorrow! yessssssssss!! I am so fucking excited! It is quite a design nerd tattoo but I don't care. I fuckin love it. I'll put up some pictures when it's all done :D

On a side note, have you ever wanted to make a hole through to the other side of the world? Well, though that is not possible, antipodr can tell you exactly where you'll end up. Turns out if any of us got a massive shovel and started digging here in Singapore, we'd ultimately end up somewhere in South America. Columbia to be exact. Isn't that cool?


Friday, January 9

How Logical is This?

Upon a general survey, I noticed that when I offered Sobranie cocktail cigarettes to people, the -

ladies would ask if they are flavoured,
men would pick yellow,
good friends would pick the colours I don't like (so tt I won't have to smoke them) and
gay men would pick the colour that matches their outfit


Arm-Chair logic has a pretty interesting logic test, I scored 87% (13 out of 15 questions). Try it.


Tuesday, January 6


This was too good to not post. Now I'm still right in the middle of my Helvetica obsession, and yes, I'm still thinking about naming my kid Helvetica when I came across this. I spotted it off this article on the trailer for Gary Huswit's Objectified, which is hailed as the Helvetica of Industrial/Product Design. It felt like like I'd stumbled upon yet another geek-fest, but at the same time it felt like I was coming home. Especially when I read this comment:

"As I age and get fatter, that kerning is going to be hideous. Good thing I don’t have to look at it."


Redbull Redhorse

Listening to Young Love by Mystery Jets

I don't know if this is post-december depression or if I'm genuinely tired of it but i just don't feel like working anymore. I feel like I have the globetrotter bug. I have a feeling that work's gonna pick up, and i'm quite excited about it. It's just that for now, i'm tired. Weirdly enough, my bosses got me writing copy. And I don't mean the odd title, standfirst or proof-reading that I do, but copywriting. It's interesting and challenging, but it's soooooo difficultt *whine* and i am so sleepy today. It's weird how when I'm on holiday I can go for days with only handful of sleep and sparodic naps in between, like on a boat, at the airport or in someone's toilet (HAHA), but when I'm at work I can't last more than a few hours before feeling tired.

I miss so many things. And i hate how often i get that shitty feeling, the same feeling i get when i miss home while I'm away. I guess the bright side is that no one seems to want to end their decemeber cheer either. January, as it turns out, is quite happening too.


When the days all feel the same
Don't feel the cold or wind or rain
Everything will be okay

We will meet again one day

Monday, January 5

Funny Guys

Just in case you can't read that, this article is headlined:

Woman set fire to husband's genitals, Australian court told

The article also says, "After the fire spread through the family home, Rajini Narayan, 44, told neighbours she had only wanted to burn her husband's penis "so it belongs to me and no one else."

She's so stupid. Now that he has a melty cock, he's just going to get more chicks. Cause girls like funny guys.


Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection from MABONA ORIGAMI on Vimeo.

Yet another brilliant stop-motion video. It gets a bit long and draggy towards the end, but the fact that it's all real origami - done by Dutch Mabona Origami - adds to the street cred. The concept was done by advertising agency Nordpol+ Hamburg for the jap sports brand ASICS. This multi-award-winning video was picked out by shows in london, new york, miami and germany.

Well.. first day of the year is always depressing. I had the sunday blues real bad yesterday, except for the fact tt i had the lovely c&c to cheer me up. I'm still pissed at how little sleep i got this whole break. I was meant to sleep in most of sunday but for some reason i got up after only 4 hrs of sleep and i couldn't get back to it. fuck shit fuck. I miss my awesomely eventful holidays. I was just thinking about how cool it would be to just drop everything and travel the world. It's definitely the way to go. The good thing is that after Boracay, steph, mei and i are getting more and more solid on our round-the-world trip. I can't wait.

Sunday, January 4

Boracay Baby!

Listening to Neon Rocks by Calvin Harris

I have to say that this has been the best december/new year i've ever had. It wins hands down. I thought that my eurotrip was the best time of my life, but i realised that it's just the tip of the iceberg. Boracay was insane, I don't have enough words to describe how beautiful the place is, even the photos don't do it justice. The beaches start with sand that's like white powder and it spans out to clear blue water before dipping off into deep turquoise. And sunset in Boracay had to be the most beautiful one i'd ever experienced before.

It was such a jam-packed trip. It was literally like party all night, sleep for 2 to 4 hrs, get up, have breakfast, and by 10.30am we'd be out sailing, snorkeling, island-hopping, horse-riding etc. and then dinner along the beach and then we'd party again. I honestly think that I fell sick from partying so hard.

And we made so many friends. I can't believe how many we accumulated over the trip, we met locals, foreigners, young ones, old ones, girls, boys, straight ones and gay ones. We fag-hagged most of the trip after we met the most awesome guys ever, they were all so friendly and down-to-earth and they were srsly A-list man. We didn't know it at first but we eventually realised that they were all rich and famous in their own professions, so much so that we felt inadequate. lol

I can't believe what an ignorant bastard I was, thinking Philly was like just a country where maids come from (though I must say they really like their picnics there). hahahaha it's fuckin awesome, we loved it so much that we're actually already planning our next trip back, this time with more time to spend in manila and palawan as well. The best part was that our return flight was overbooked so we volunteered to spend an extra night in manila in exchange for a free hotel stay, 4 meals and free round-trip tickets to any of their destinations. omfg yesssssssssssssssssssssss!

There wasn't actually that much to see in Manila though, everyone kept telling us how dangerous it was and our hotel was in a dodgy-looking area so we were a bit worried about going out at night. BUT, one of our boys who returned early to Manila came to the rescue, he was having a house party before returning to Germany so he got his driver to come pick us up and omfg they had such a sexy house srsly. And 3 beagles! omg gay men and puppies! what more could i ask for?! hahahahah

Really guys, the next time u plan a trip, go to philly. Boracay will not dissappoint you. The only thing tt sucked about it was the insane amount of korean tourists in couple shirts there. ngerrrr.

I really think that SAM's next holiday will be hard-pressed to beat this one. It was srsly the best holiday ever!

More photos on fb!