(click the image to go to my ffffound page!)
This is my convo with David after:
David: Come to think of it, like come to really really think of it, I think getting a ffffound account might've been more exciting than losing my virginity.
Virginity = Everyone has one, and you only get to give it to one person.
ffffound = Only the internet elite have an account, and you might get a friend on if you play it smart.
ffffound > virginity
Me: (insert love + many promises of a good shag/leg humping) AAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA i love that analogy. It's totally true tho'. I am forever grateful to you for giving me something that is of more value than my virginity. Thank you.
Dvein: F5 Titles from F5 on Vimeo.
Also, do watch this stunning video, or opening sequence, that was done by Barcelona-based Dvein for the F5 Festival in NYC. They are the same company that did the opening sequence for Spiderman 3 and a pile of other movies. Halfway through this video I wanted so badly to know which movie it was for so that I could go watch it right away. The sequence has beautiful timing and the execution is immaculate. I absolutely love the muted colours and the music is brilliant too.