Thursday, September 22

Dirty Little Secrets

Listening to Bad Day by Daniel Powter

I was watching the MTV for All American Reject's Dirty Little Secrets and somehow it really moved me. Everyone has a secret, somewhere deep down something they try to ignore something that's covered in layers of dust that will emerge someday to haunt us. I'll tell you my secret and you'll tell me yours. Please don't laugh.

"Who has to know when we live such fragile lives. It's the best way to survive. Who has to know, the way she feels inside. Those thoughts I can't deny, these sleeping dogs won't lie, and all i've tried to hide.. I'll keep you my dirty little secret, don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret. My dirty little secret..."

The lead vocalist is effing hot.

P/S: In case ur too dim to notice, the image is a link.

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