Sunday, September 18


Listening to crooked teeth by death cab

Zouk was good. It surprised me. It wasn't that packed so it wasn't annoying. I was really bored at first. We got there at 10 and we were with all of steph's friends, bunny, amy, zach and them. And they were all talking about work and i was so effing bored out of my fucking brains. So i got this brilliant brainstorm. I called Mark. And not only did he turn up within an hour, he brought Aloy. And three other guys.. Ben and them.. It was fun. I entertained myself by setting my goal for the night as getting Aloy to dance. I spent ages is phuture trying to teach him how to dance. Then he gave up and went to the toilet to escape us. Haha .. so we went to the wine bar to chill for awhile.

My proudest moment was when i got him on the podium. Admittedly i kinda forced him on it.

Some chickenballsasshole stepped on my foot and it hurts like fuck. still.

Blaargh. Tomorrow's gonna be as bummy as ever. It's 5 am now. I wanna sleep in as late as can be and then go bum at the pool. or actually.. i resolved to do laps. Need to stay in shape now.. I'm only at 10 laps but it's a good start right? Haha .. And i'm getting people to come over for majong as well tmrw night. (:

Death cab rocks.


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    They might be coming to Singapore next year. That will be the day I get fifty orgasms per minute. -_-
