Sunday, October 9

Black Pudding

Listening to Dreams by Taproot

I'm off to the airport in two hours. I'm all packed and I still have less than Jules did for bangkok. Haha .. Well, half my luggage is taken up by the heavy jackets and camera equipment. My brother's staying until December! Glam right, so at least he'll still be here when I get back. fffffffff.. I'm pretty bored. I wanted to blog about something but I forgot.

I got my hair dyed today at Summer ete. The woman was like, "PHWOAR! You got a lot of dandruff huh?" haha .. I didn't even realise it but there's still a lot of paint in my hair. My regular hairdresser was like digging through my hair and trying to get the bits of paint out with his fingers. LOL. Ah well, thanks for their effort anyway.

Had dinner at Indochine at waterfront with one of my Dad's collegues from Newcastle U. Blar.. someone highly important i guess. My brother and I decided that we're like the third wheels, or what I like to call 'Talking Props'. Basically to be presented to Sir. Whoever or Professor Whoever and to give the impression that Mr. Chong has a happy loving family and then we are to fade into the background and not to spoil the 'adult' conversation.

I still think I'm gonna freeze to death in NY. I hope my mice have had sex already. I'm getting impatient.

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