Sunday, October 30

Don't Leave Me Alone

Listening to It Ends Tonight by All American Rejects

The last week of holidays are gone. It's so weird, I feel like I haven't had a holiday. It's like, Bankok feels like ages ago but yet the holidays feel so short. It's like that isn't it? Memories are far away yet time feels like it'll never wait for you. Anyways, I spent my last week of holidays quite fruitfully: sleeping.

Haha..yeah, it was bankok, then a week of painting and cleaning then 11 days in NYC and then all of a sudden it's the last week of the holidays. And just when I was starting to get back on singapore time, we're starting school.

Well, I've spent my Halloween eve quite productively. I.. woke up at 1am. And.. bought a bowl full of sweets for the kids tomorrow when they come by for Halloween. And last but not least, my most exciting piece of information for the day: I've started on my mural. haha. Yes. I was supposed to do it some time at the beginning of October. As usual, i only managed to get my lazy ass on it at the end of october. Well, it's not an original piece. I was sourcing around for inspiration, and I came across this drawing that was.. well, just really moving. It's called 'Don't Leave Me Alone'. And .. I just couldn't stop looking at it and it just had this.. awesome feeling. Like as if someone took my exact sentiments and put it on paper and then showed it to me. And I just thought, well, I HAVE to put this on my wall. So.. I've been at it since.. 5am. HAha.

Yes, I know my clock's all fucked up so I tend to do things at odd ours. In fact, last night when I woke up at 1am. I was chatting with Zat for awhile then I spent like an hour playing with my mice and my snake [separately of course]. And - let me sidetrack - guess what? I've been handling the baby mice too! They're so cute! They're tiny, and they haven't even opened their eyes yet but they have this extremely fine layer of tiny hairs and tiny feet and tiny everything! Even these stubby little tiny tales! They're just sooooo tiny! I swear to god they are sooo cute. I don't know how I'm ever gonna bear to feed them to monty. It's not so bad when I buy a new mouse and chuck it in there but I would never throw in Hersheys, or Malt. Or even Mars [even if he's lazy and fat and annoying and has huge balls].

Anyhoo.. it's back to painting. I would also like to say that I'm inviting whoever wants to come to a house party on probably, wednesday the 2nd of November. At night, eve of the public holiday. It's an informal party, it's not gonna be one of those glam things with strobe lights and all that crap. But just something so that I can see all my dearest friends again. (: RSVP if ur coming.

P/S: can I just say that you all probably already know how tiring painting is. But trying to draw straight lines with a brush for the past 9 hours is REALLY tiring. In fact, I think my right hand can now be referred to as 'The Claw' because it's permanantly shaped to hold a brush.

[edit] ok, it's 4 o clock. Meaning that I have effectively been painting for 11 hours with nothing but two smoke breaks. I have lost all contact with my right hand and have adapted quite quickly to typing with my left hand. I'm tired. I'm not even half done yet. I thought murals were supposed to be fun.

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