Thursday, October 27

Hear Me

Listening to Gone by Kelly Clarkson

haha. I was reading about mice to learn more about them now that Hershey's had her babies. It turns out that mice respond well to activity. Like movement and sound and stuff. Meaning that they're cage should be somewhere busy so that they can see people moving about and stuff. Which is great since they're tank is in my study room where they see an average of ONE PERSON PER 10 HOURS. And that would be me.

Ok. So here's my solution. Everyday I'm gonna let them run around my table when I'm on my lappie so that they can.. listen to music. HA HA. I just realised how fuckin' gay that sounds. Ah whatever. At least they get to listen to my mellow stuff [i'm afraid they'll get heart attacks if I play heavy music] like snow patrol and death cab and everclear and all that. Yes. I also realise why they've been fighting. MARS HAS BEEN SEXUALLY HARASSING MALT [maltesers]! She's my new mouse and she's waaaaay too young to even be THINKING of having sex and this Mars is ready to start humping her already. Obviously she's not pleased. She keeps squeaking and curling up in fright everytime he comes near her. Or like when he tries to shove his nose into her butt she'll like shoot forward by a few inches as if someone shocked her. HAA HA

But anyways. They're so entertaining. Mars just runs around with his balls dragging on the ground and Malt has been trying for ages to climb on this wooden ball but it just keeps rolling away. It's really funny. Anyways. While I was typing this I realised that Mars, that fat, saggy-balled bastard PISSED ON MY FUCKIN TABLE. And you know what? For an animal that small their piss smells pretty damn bad. Nnngg.. I just cleaned my entire table with disinfectant and then misted it with Vic's Secret's Strawberries and Champagne scent. HAHA. Now my rooms smells pretty again.

I realise that after I threw out my gazillion bags of rubbish, painted my room and put the new furniture in and arranged everything nicely, i've become extremely anal about how clean my room is. Like i can't bear for it to become messy and have to go through the entire process again. Ha HA. And i've included anti-roach plans as well. Like mothballs everywhere and if I eat in my room, the window and door must be open and the fan must be on at MINIMUM speed TWO so that the room will air and the food smell will go away.

Anyways. I haven't slept. All night. Couldn't sleep again. I just feel like I have a lot of energy and how sleep would be a waste of time. I think i'll go to school and meet XB. Gotta give R. Yee my reciepts that i FORGOT to bring after I painstakenly accounted and arranged by day and according to Breakfast-Lunch-and-Dinner yesterday. Yes. I did. I was totally anal, almost as bad as Shila and then I FORGOT to bring it. Genius right.

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