Saturday, October 22

The Long Entry

Listening to Last Cigarette by Bon Jovi

I'M BACK!! Ok but first, since I lost all contact with civilisation on day 6, I'll fill u in on all that's happened.

Saturday: DAY 6
The SUN came out! It was the first time we saw the sun in 5 days. Went out with Ben & Jerry plus Aggie and Idayu again. I got a GAP shirt for 6.99. Glam right. And we got a scoop on people protesting agains racism and sexism at MTV, like placards and everything right outside the MTV building. Then i went to buy a shirt from the MTV store. OOh.. and i got a $5 bag. hee.. We saw [and got groped by] the naked cowboy. He's basically a street musician that wears a cowboy hat, boots and spandex briefs. Hehe.
Then we went down to the skatepark along the Hudsons river for Gerald's story. It was beautiful, seagulls, kayaks and people sailing down the river. and the sun broke out from the clouds and there were these rays of sunlight shining down on the river. It was amazing. We got lost after that, and ended up in Brooklyn. HEE HEE. It's like on the no-no list, together with The Bronx, Harlem and Alphabet City.
Had dinner at the Shake Shack and shopping in 7th Avenue after. There's a monster in room 422.

Sunday: DAY 7
We went to 6 and 7th Avenue today for Gab's story. Eventually managed to lose Mr. Yee. Me and Ag then split off from Gab and Gwyn to go shopping at Victoria Secrets. We got twelve bottles in total from Vic's Secret Garden collection. HAHA. They all have really cheesy names like 'forbidden fantasy' and 'pure seduction'. Anyways, we walked down to Times Square again and went shopping all day. Hard Rock, the big Etnies shop and of course, the giant HERSHEYS store. They had chocolate bars the size of briefcases. It was like walking into Charlie's Chocolate Factory.
At the Grand Central subway we saw Breakdancing buskers. It was exactly like the ones you see in movies, like in the subway with about 5 guys breaking and a huge crowd around them. Aggie interviewed them and one of the guys, Tyrese, came over to talk to me. I was talking to him for a full 10 minutes before I realised he was trying to pick me up. This was when my imaginary boyfriend came in to repel him. haha. I missed Ben & Gerry today.

Monday: DAY 8
We woke up at 4 to go to Chinatown to catch a bus to Boston. I distinctly remember walking down the road with the Boston team and Mr. Yee and already wishing that Pat. Wong was with us instead. On the Chinatown bus we watched the sun rise over the city of manhattan. It was really awesome. Went to the Boston Globe and my KIA bag got ruined there. So they gave me a Boston Globe bag which was really cool. Did u know that the Boston Globe uses semi-intelligent robots to help them carry and load rolls of paper that weigh over 800kg?
So yes. Our Boston Hotel is like Shangri La compared to the aptly named 'Bowelry' hostel in NYC. We split off from R. Yee and went to the Boston Common. So, NYC's going through a late summer but autumn hit Boston at the right time. All I can say is that it's beautiful with the fall colours. The park where we went to for 'Urban Style' was fantastic, there are squirrels everywhere and couples having picnics or simply cuddling on the grass. It's the sweetest thing ever.
Boston's very english but also a lot like singapore. We saw a lot of hot guys there. Hehe. A lot of black gangs too. I realise that there's a lot more hostility in boston than in NYC. It was quite exciting. Haha. So yeh, another thing about Boston is that the shops there close around 6-8. So we went to Quincy Market and ran into Aggie's group by accident so we all had dinner together. Without r. yee.

Tuesday: DAY 9
the HI Hotel had free breakfast! It's luxury! haha .. I realise how un-spoilt the 'bowelry' has made us. The Boston subways are like theme park rides. They have those old school trams. Like the ones u see in San Fran. There's even a train stop that's called 'Wonderland'. We went to the Boston Aquarium as well, it had a 4 storey high tank. After we went to Harvard Square and walked all the way to some ulu place to eat mexican food. Then we went shopping at the Harvard Coop. Aggie bought 24367574 shirts. In the meantime, myself, Ben & Gerry and Yiying entertained ourselves. Some discoveries: Gerald found anti-masturbation gum. The first time Ben had an orgasm and saw the cum, he thought he had cancer.
Urban Outfitters is the coolest shop in the world. They have a bargain basement with stuff from 3.99 onwards. They even have old-school pacman machines and figurines from Tim Burton's 'Tragic Toys for Boys and Girls'. I bought a book on the 365 sex positions for every day of the year. You should see the one on R. Yee's birthday.
Rett's wallet was stolen so she had to make a police report. We were practically homeless cause we'd already checked out and the hotel didn't have space in their lobby so we sat outside in the cold and watched agnes entertain herself. She's exactly like Jules, fuckin' hyper 24 hours a day. Exept that she goes to sleep hyper and wakes up hyper. I kinda miss how grumpy jules is in the morning. We got on the bus back to NY at 11pm and arrived early at 3am. It was freezing cold and we were homeless. That was one of the lower points of the holiday.

Wednesday: DAY 10
Our last day was the day I found my calling, at Conde Nast. Basically, we went to the building that's the home to Mens Health, GQ, Vogue, Glamour and all that. It was un-fucking-believably awesome. I swear i'm gonna work there one day. The afternoon after was free-and-easy for once. Went shopping with Steph, Rett and Shila down 5th Avenue. Then we went to South Street Seaport in the evening to visit the huge Abercrombie store. Steph and I had one last pizza at Ray's [bacon and pepperoni] and then we went shopping at the sex shop. They had video booths and a fuckin' BIN full of used tissues, if you know what I mean. Some guy even used his hat.
At night we vowed not to sleep. Myself, Steph, Rett, Zat and Gerry put on our glamest clothes and went in search of a good club. All I can say is that the clubs in NY are so different from the ones in Singapore. The people dance different and dress different and they play way better music there. Afterwards we wandered the streets and skipped and ran. It was the most liberating night because it was our last night in the most famous city in the world and we were high on the freedom. We did all kinds of things, we talked to stangers, we went to sex shops, we tried to see how many people we could fit on one lamp post [5] and we ran and ran and ran. Zat and I jogged together for awhile.
Haha. So yes. That more or less sums up our trip.

It was pretty much something I didn't expect to enjoy but it turned out to be one of the most fun times of my life. Anyways, I'll miss Agnes for her crap and Steph for being my loyal buddy. Rett and Christine for smoking with me in the freezing cold. Gerry for being a skilled map-reader, navigator and not to mention, the cause for our detour to Brooklyn. Ben for being the one who knows the subway like the back of his hand, for carrying my jacket when I need him to, holding the umbrella and opening doors for me, Gab for his weird dancemoves and Shila for her Bronx Rap. Zat for being my plane buddy and fellow photographer. Hajar and Idayu for being the ones who suffered with us during the 'Monster from 422's snoring days. Khai for lending me her lappie when I desperately need one and Yiying for being so random. Gwyn for letting me do stupid things with her video cam.

Some discoveries:
- In NY you get hit on and picked up left, right and centre.
- Rett got hit on the most.
- In the Museum of Natural History there's a 21,000 carat jewel.
- The subway doors close without warning.
- I survived 8 degrees celsius in jeans and 13 degrees in a skirt.
- Trying to get from one subway cart to the other is life-threatening.
- Steph, Rett, Shila and me survived it.
- If Zat had to pick one of the girls on the trip to have sex with he would pick me.
- Ben and I picked each other.
- It seems Yi Ying would have sex with me too. Ha
- The neon blue spots on the Garoupa fish are actually organisms called Neon Gobys that feed of their dead cells.
- Mr. Yee does not sleep.
- Mr. Wong wants the Lingerie special of Playboy.
- 910 members of the staff left the New York Times to join the armed forces during World War II.
- Shila's biggest fantasy is to be inside a giant M&M.

yes. Anyways, i'm back. Really miss new york but also I missed Singapore a lot. I missed my bed. It seems my dad treated my room like a rubbish dump while I was away. Sigh.. I should really start un-packing.

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