Wednesday, October 5

Swiss Army Romance

Listening to Miles Apart by Yellowcard

My mice keep escaping. I just chucked them all back into their old tank, Mars and Hersheys are just kinda ignoring Cadbury. Cadbury's a wimp. It's seriously annoying. She just hides all day in one corner.

I'm done with my room! Nothing left except to paint the mural and buy new curtains. The internet sucks up here. I think I'm gonna paint over the paintings tt Weiming, Juan and Poo did and then invite everyone over another day to paint again, kinda like a room-warming party. haha.. I bought thin brushes so that Weiming can not say that the fugly shit on my wall isn't his fault anymore. And I need more lights. I've been working non-stop since Monday, threw out a total of 16 mega-huge garbage bags plus one coat stand and one Mr. Pigman. Yeah, he was getting annoying. Oh, but I do need a new bed and bean bag fillings. Going to get the fillings and some standing lamps and curtains tomorrow at my favourite place, IKEA.

Anyways, once again, I want to thank Jules, XB, Praa, Juan and Weiming for coming over to help paint my room. Or actually, thanks to XB, Praa, Juan and Weiming for painting my room, and Jules for spending the better part of the day watching Starsky and Hutch while we slogged away and got greyer by the minute.

Oh yes, i want to wish everyone good luck for their grades tomorrow. So yes, back to cleaning up. I realise that my blog entry has no structure whatsoever. But who cares. So i discovered A LOT of old photographs and old diaries with paragraphs about my sad sad childhood and letters from my sister and my best friends and old boyfriends. But i think the most entertaining of all were my diaries. I've included an entry from my diary below. It was written when I was 13 or 14. Very sad. And pictures of me when I was a baby, when I was small, irritating and FUCKING CHUBBY.

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