Saturday, November 19


Listening to Sophmore Slump of Comeback of the Year by Fall Out Boy

HA. Had a very productive Feature Writing meeting today in town at our beloved Newswriting/Featurewriting Coffeebean spot. I still can't believe I willingly paid 5 bucks for a drink even when I'm so broke. Anyways. After lunch i decided to go home, cause home is the best place to go when you don't wanna spend money. And I spent about 3-4 hours working with my tablet and this is what I produced:

Click HERE for a larger view.
You won't regret it.

I'm really proud of it! Hahah.. considering that I rarely do digital art, I'm really satisfied with this. It was actually inspired by this site that Ian showed me, called
Electric So yeah, please click on it to see it in full size.

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