Monday, November 7

Deep and Meaningless

Listening to Perfect Day by Rafe

RAFE IS ON LOOP. 24 HOURS A DAY. I can't stop listening to them. fuckity fuck. I'm loading all the photos up on the net. S'taking forever cause the files are fuge. Forgot to change the settings after photography class and now i'm too lazy to resize so i decided to fuckkit and just load them. Also good listens: Switchfoot: The Setting Sun and Rooster's Deep and Meaningless. Fuckin lovely songs. And of course. The glue that holds us all together, WEEZER. HAHA .. I would die without music. Simply shrivel up and die.

Hum dee dum, today was so much fun. Probably the last time we are all this free until christmas [MOO WE MISSED YOO!]. But yeah. Had photography class with XB. And then we skipped by the booksale where Ian saved my laptop. IAN, I LOVE YOU. [but not literally. please do not take thsi as a signal for you to grind your ass into me again or hump the air inches from my face. I have been mortally wounded from that image.]

Then, we went to Holland V. Had BK for lunch and laughed about stupid retarded things. Skipped to the pet shop where this BITCH worked. Nnngh. And then, we wanted to go to Tangos. But it WAS CLOSED. Oh my fuck. Or in the words of Juan: What in the flying fuck? Yes. So you know what we did? We went to the Eski Bar instead. It's the sub-zero degree bar. And we had a survivor challenge. Me, Joo, Poo and WM in the freeze room. See who could last longer. The outfit: slippers, no jackets. Except JULES THAT CHEATER that wore sneakers. It's negative 14 degrees in there. Some fuckin cold shit.

So Poo was the first to go running out with painful toes. And the WM gave up and ran out. Juan and XB joined the challenge shortly after. Did I mention that the bar is made of ice? I want to work there. I'm actually seriously considering it. Starting pay $7 per hour, and they're willing to hire me for bartender! So exciting! But then again, i'll be plagued by dirty looks from the Tango's staff. I can just hear Andy's voice in my head already. Like I'm some kinda traitor. Which I guess I would be if I joined Eski Bar.

Anyways. The challenge ended in a truce between me and Joo. Our noses were red, Jules had a frozen booger in her nose and my toes were stiff and painful. Joo could no longer clench her fist and I think my face was made of plastic. BTW: The boys gave up before us. HAHA .. not to mention that they started 10 minutes after us. HA HA.

YEsh. Had dinner at Chrystal Jade, me and wm dragged Jules there kicking and screaming and we spent a LOT of time camera-whoring. Pictures are up, HERE.

If you call me today,
I'd say that I'm fine.
But I bet you can tell
by the tone of my voice,
it's just a lie.
You knew what you had,
you still walked away
leaving me in this mess
my love for you,
is deep and meaningless.

But I'd do it again to relive what we had.

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