Wednesday, November 16

Will u be my BeBe?

Listening to 7 Minutes in Heaven by Fall Out Boy

Harry Potter was. Up to my expectations. Which was .. disappointing. I kinda expected it to be below expectations and it turned out to be true. Anyways, Maltesers had babies, like 4 or 5. Couldn't really get a clear view so i can't tell how many exactly. Which got me worried because if monty eats one a month that's half a year. In half a year the babies wouldn't be babies anymore. They would be huge and too big for Monty to eat. FUCK right. So I fed one of the white babies. Much to my regret.. Monty struck her 3 times and she escaped 3 times. I felt damn bad la.

Anyways, my days have become quite a routine, wake up at 6, have breakfast, check on the mice and monty, feed and water the mice, monty and the dogs. Walk the dogs, have a smoke and go to school. Come back from school, drop BeBe off with Xin, cook dinner, bum around and do homework and then walk CoCo down to Summer Hair Salon after hours to chat with Xin, Jo and Ken and sometimes Daryl. Then bring BeBe home and settle her down for the night. Haha .. why does my life seem to revolve around animals?

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