Saturday, December 3

The Fashion Show

Listening to Joy Ride by Rooster

I HATE AIRPORTS. I love them and I hate them. I think my life is filled with people that leave me. They go away and they hate leaving but then slowly the pieces move into place and before you know it that's their new world. Not you anymore. And sometimes u spend so much time at the airport saying goodbye and then awhile later you're waiting eagerly at the arrival hall to see that face you missed for so long.

Then after awhile you hate it. Have you ever had that before? Have you ever seen someone leave so many times, felt sad and lost and missed him/her so many times, that the feeling dies? You don't miss them anymore. You don't want to get excited that their back cause you're tired of missing them when they're gone again. Yeah. That's it. I hate airports. And I have this overwhelming urge to leave Singapore too.

Mum came back today, and Mei too. It was really great seeing them again. It's getting quite routine. Yeah, David and Steph are gonna be back soon. And then mum and dad and jonathan are flying off. And before u know it david and steph are gone again. I'm tired of this. I love routine. I don't want back and forth. I want everything to stay the way it is.

I hate how the only constant in my life is my father. FUCKING SAD PIECE OF SENILE SHIT. Everyone I love has to fly off somewhere. I don't want to live in Singapore and co-habitat with an asshole anymore. FUCK.

I apologise for all the whining.

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