Saturday, December 31

The one with the beach.

Ok, if you don't count the whole malaysia episode, i gotta say, this week has been a fuckin blast. David, Mei, Steph and I have just been partying non-stop, it's either in town, at the beach, playing majong until 5 am, chilling at a bar or clubbing at zouk/MOS. And of course, our sidekicks include Yuey and Gordon [who is 'one hunky monkey']. haha

Some pictures to munch on:

We took my puppy to the beach! He's being superman.

Gives a whole new meaning to 'the wind in my face'.

Mei back in Singapore waters.


DAVIDSES! He looks like harry potter.

Lining up to dunk mei.

The successful dunk.

Steph, at the beach bar.

David. Conquering the beach with vaults and backflips and whatnot. Look out for those pics. Coming soon to a deviantART near you.

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