Wednesday, February 8

MOS Fever

Listening to That's What She Said by Backstreet

I've been to MOS every wednesday since it opened. Man.. I've become an MOS whore. They should be handing me and mei member's cards. haha .. anyways. Mei's last clubbing night in singapore so it's gonna be good tonight.

Here's a story for you:

My friend used to date this girl who talks in her sleep. One night, she was sleeping and he was about to fall asleep when she said "I wanna go shopping!". And he was like, wtf. So he just lay there, and they were both sleeping nude yeah. Then, she sat up (still sleeping) and did all the actions for getting up, walking to the car, opening the door, getting in, closing the door, putting the key into the ignition and starting the car. All the while she was sitting up (and still sleeping). AND THEN. She began to 'drive'.

Using his penis as the gear.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. and he could see her feet moving like tapping the accelerator and brakes and clutch and all that while she changed 'gears' and all that. He was just laughing his ass off the whole time.

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