Tuesday, March 21


Listening to Out Of The Blue by Ash

So many things happened while I was in Hong Kong.

First of all, Jules suffered from massive amnesia. Second of all I glamly dropped my dad's camera and spoilt it so i'm rushing down to the camera hospital a.s.a.p tmrw morning to get it fixed and hope he will never know. Thirdly, SINGAPORE IS FUCKING HOT. Fourthly, my wolverine piece got featured as 'Daily Deviation' on DeviantART, here's the [LINK] if u wanna check it out. And last of all, I LOST MY FUCKING PHONE. Like slipped out of my damned pocket in the cab.

I got out of my shower and went to my room and clicked on DA and there was my message, 586 Favourites added and 167 comments. Thus I began to jump up and down and running around naked in my room. And what should happen next? I thought, oh my god, i have to call someone. And then I thought, where the fuck is my phone.


Anyway my temporary number is 81131206 if u need to contact me.

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