Thursday, March 2

Our Lovely Day Out

Listening to Marching Bands Of Manhattan by Death Cab

we were supposed to go to MOS last night, but we ended up going to Marina Bay for steamboat. Haha .. I think it was even more fun. For some reason we've beene exploring more and more of suburbia lately. LOL.. Went to Tampines the other day with Joo, Moo and Ian to check out the hockey shop. (: I'm so psyched about ice hockey, collected all the gear from Moo already.. and Ian's gonna get the other guys to lend me a stick and gloves and shit. Think I'll go for training on Saturday. (:

Anyways, back to steamboat. WE ATE FUCKLOADS! omg.. it was a goddamned buffet. haha .. we just ate and ate and ate. And Jules cannot cook for nuts. AND, Jon tried to cook fucking egg omelette and the whole shit just stuck to the foil and started to burn. haha .. and our tom yam soup dried into paste. HAHA .. damn sad la.. in the end we stayed really late, took a romantic walk out to the 'beach' and talked about horror movies and sex. haha .. as usual.

And Jon drove us back to the station in his pick-up truck, which was fuckloads of fun. heehee .. remember that time when we all sat in the back of the truck and jules wasn't there? HAHAHAH

(and it's not jules.)

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