Wednesday, April 5


Singapore Idol was .. phwoar man. I never believed that Singaporeans could sing like that. I was blown away, like literally glued to the spot cause of those amazing voices. Anyways, I shan't talk too much about it, I guess I'm not supposed to reveal anything.

As for my hours, they're a little crazy. I get up at 5 or 6am, get down to mediacorp, shoot until almost 12 noon, rush down to school for work, clock of work at 5pm, then rush down to mediacorp again and end work at 12am. Pretty cool huh. And the craziest thing is that on my night shift I have to go to PASIR RIS. OMG dude. It's on the other end of the world. Ah well, at least they're paying for my cab fare.

I was so totally beat today, today made history as the day where I spent the most money on cabs ever. Almost $30 went to cab fare, would've been more if Howard hadn't driven me down to mediacorp in the evening. I went down to his office for a little while to discuss some work he has for me, so yeh. But seriously was really fucking tired today la.. last night went to Perly's grandma's funeral again with Peter, Howard & Wenliang and ended up sleeping around 1+ and when I got up at 5am I wanted to gouge my eyeballs out. I was dragging myself around all day, when I got into the newsroom I actually collapsed onto the couch and took a nap. Fuck me.

Oh, and Gurmit Singh is hilarious. I didn't think he would be but he is, like seriously stand-up comedy kinda hilarious. I didn't even really know the people there but I was still laughing until I snorted water out of my nose. Right, and anyways, I discovered that i actually know one or two of the contestents. One of which shocked me when he told me that he didn't get eliminated. HAHA .. lots of hot hot hot people there. hehe ..

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