Friday, April 28

Song To Say Goodbye

Listening to Going Gone by The Vines

Singapore Idol's finally over, 7 hectic days. It's been total fun, well, not total fun, but i did enjoy myself. Feels like ages, like it was years ago the first time I spent half my life travelling to pasir ris and back. But yeah, I've bonded more with my crew and also with the contestants. Gotten to know some of them better, and I met many of the ex-contestants, which was great. Didn't realise how happy i'd be to see them until I actually did. (:

Anyhoo, I'm thoroughly tired. Don't even think I have the heart to skate tmrw. Don't really feel like going back to Charlton that much, but I have responsibilities eh? Work's been piling up there and piling up in school. It's been what, 3 weeks since I've been in the newsroom for a full day? I miss that place dearly, and all the people that come with it. I can't wait to put everything on hold and go back.

I miss having a slack 9-5. Work's weighing me down, even Howard says tt i complain about work too much. HAHA .. I need to start getting paid. haha

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