Sunday, April 9


Well there's always an upside to every sad story.. after the storm passed, I went skating with Jules, Ariel and Ron (btw Ariel is a pro skater) and then went for hockey training. We got trashed again, but i still had fun. I love hockey.. I only had two collisions today, the one with Peter was like full-on but somehow it wasn't bad, when I collided with Daniel it was like PHWOAR man.. I actually felt my ass go numb even through my padding. haha

So, the better news, Enion, who is only like the gallery director for vector art of deviantart, sent me a PERSONAL NOTE to tell me that he picked me to feature in April's Vector Art Mixed Bag. OMFG so fucking cool. I am beyond happy now. But i'm totally exhausted too.. I had a good nap in Peter's car just now. haha

The little downside is that if my parents actually - finally - go through with the divorce, it's gonna be havoc. And chances are, my dad will try and take everything, meaning that a large majority of the money that I'm earning now will go to my sister's education. Sweet right. HAHA .. so sad. I don't think i'll be able to afford hockey gear anymore..

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