Saturday, June 10


Listening to Alright by John Legend

As you can see, someone came by us at Zouk and said, "Oh my god, you three are so unbelievably beautiful!" so he took our photo and put us in

Ah. Don't we look pretty. Anyways. I'm going to be particularly emo right now because


I am sorry but my little shithead of a father is being a total bitch. He has to do everything his own bloody way. It's days like this when I really feel like I'm being driven out of my own fucking house.

He doesn't give me money and i've never wanted his money. I've studied and worked hard to make my own money, and i might even say that i'm doing shockingly well for a 19-year-old, but is that good enough for him? NO. That motherfucker is just never satisfied by anything. He is always talking about fucking money. If i EVER ask him for money he's all like, don't u have your own fucking money? And if I ever tell him that i'm actually making good money he'll be like, then why are you being so ungrateful, you should be giving money back to me, after all I bought the roof you live under.

He's all about fucking money. I am fucking sick of the way he treats me like a dog. He expects me to carry his shit and then he expects me to treat him like a real father? Well, he can just go blow himself because he will never be a father to me. Never.

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