Wednesday, July 26


Listening to Together Forever by Rick Astley

Well, i've rebranded once again. I got really tired of Subterfuge Ink. Not only was it a name that was hard to remember, but i was starting to feel that the colours were too dark. Too boring, not to mention that the entire site took years to load.

So, I wanted to make something simple, easy to navigate and extremely quick to load. And Lithium was born. Well, I've taken down a lot of things, and i'm only keeping up a small selection of pieces for display. Will be updating this more frequently than before.

Oh, and anyone and everyone is invited to Zouk tomorrow for mambo night. I haven't gone for 2 weeks and i'm already itching to get my groove back. HAHA .. yes, and if you're lucky enough to find me at the right time, then i'll treat u to some shots (while stocks last). (:

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