Monday, October 2

Photo Blog

Listening to I'll Let You Live by Taking Back Sunday

I decided that it's been really long since I've last blogged.. and I have nothing left to say to my boring old blog. So instead of thinking of what to say, I ran around my house taking random pictures to share with you guys..

My pretty new phone.

Okay, this (green) album totally rocks, it's a compilation of retro hits.
And it sits next to Rockbell's box and Lithium Gritty.

More on my shelf, Pink Sneak, Lithium Spiky Baby,
my 'Hocker' and a packet of ketchup.
And my $3 CHINON camera in the back.

I absolutely love this, my candy machine full of aliens.
Bought this in Hong Kong in March.

The next best thing to my bike: The keys to my bike.

This is where all my clutter goes.

Just pasted up postcards on my whiteboard.
And put up my collection of supercool Coke cans.

A bedsheet to match my tastefully designed room.

Best book in my room, 'Position Of The Day Playbook'
Bought in Boston last September.

And that's the position of the day on my birthday.

This was my foot one week after i got hit by Bronson's slapshot.

This is my foot after hockey practice last night,
I feel like I should get it amputated or something.
After all, i could always get a new leg at Thieve's Market.

This is Monty, who I think is starting to look
more and more like a dog.

This is the Hersheys: Senior Mum.

This is Mars, a typical example of a fat, smelly, unkempt,
50-year-old man who sits on his couch everyday with a Bud
wondering why he had to have 30 kids at one go.

This is Mini, the first generation daughter and Junior Mum.

This is Micro, the 2nd Generation daughter.

This is Micro when she got scared by my camera shutter.

And this is the lovely 3rd Generation baby.

And his/her siblings.

And that's all for today! I'm off to a chalet with Charbee & Co for the next 3 days, so I hope these pictures will keep u guys entertained until then!

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