Thursday, October 5

shop shop

Listening to Two Of Us by Aimee Mann

Meet Coco. She's cute as hell and she's lesbian. Coincidentally, my dog is called Coco too. And he's gay. Funny how the two have never met before. That's Andrew's dog by the way. I was by his place last night and i totally fell in love with her. I wanna take her home!

Anyhoo. I've been shopping for schools in US. It was really dull and dreary at the start. But I've finally shortlisted about 10 schools to apply to around the west coast and about two or three on the east coast. Tomorrow I'll go by the 'American Library' and get some hard copy things about the schools. Sigh.. I've been thinking about it and i didn't really feel anything about going overseas before. But now that I'm going to start applying, I feel really excited and kinda scared at the same time. ah well..

The picture below was taken last year, it's just a reminder of what cool people we are.

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