Saturday, December 30


Listening to Something More by Switchfoot

The following day, we decided to take a loooong journey to the opposite side of Penang to go jet skiing (by loooong i meant half an hour).

That's our cousin's car, which we followed to the beach. And the cool bit, is that where we were going is actually called 'The End of the World'. Check out what we found at the End of the World:

Err.. yeah. The first thing we saw was a 24 Jam (hour) convenience store. wth.

But what we really came for was this. The little fishing village known as the End of the World.. where we were going to dig out our friend's two jet skis and go crazy.

And all of us chilling by the beach just before we headed out to sea. It was wicked fun i tell you.

Here's a snapshot of the fishing village on our way home.

That's Steph and on of my favourite cousins, Ah Ling.

Siblings cruisin' home. We got to take the car out! On our own!

The next afternoon, we went to Tanjong Country Club and went horse-riding.

This boy is an ex-racehorse called 'ENERGY'. wartthefark. But he's the sweetest boy in the world and really beautiful.

That's Energy again.

This is Apollo.. another retired race-horse. Steph rode him for our session. Cheap right?

These are the monkeys! They really looked quite sad in the cage, but they're actually trained to pick coconuts from the really tall palm trees. They had a super-playful baby called Sasha.

And CHICKENS! OMG .. tonnes and tonnes of chickens. This place was like a fricken zoo.

Eh.. pornstar pose for the camera.

And this is the last little sweetie that we found. Isn't he cute?

The holiday was pretty damned good. Surprisingly. As much as I hate Malaysia, I love Penang. I mean, I haven't been to another country with better food than Penang. The char kway teow is to die for. Seriously.. i can eat it everyday.

And the entire trip was non-stop drinking. I don't know why but my relatives are all fuckin alcoholics. HAHA .. they open bottles like Chivas, SAKE, red wine.. for like breakfast, lunch and dinner. And then they keep re-filling our glasses and saying 'DRINK DRINK! GOOD HEALTH!!' I mean, how the hell are we gonna have good health if we keep drinking like that?

And we ate soooo much. My uncles and aunties like planned every meal down to the last detail. We would have a day that's like, buffet breakfast, buffet lunch, 10-course dinner and then char kway teow for supper. Like ohmyfuckingod.

Anyhoo.. we finally left the food and alcohol capital to go back to KL. And we ended up getting even more drunk with our KL friends. fuck chi right? And now I'm finally back in Singapore, and NYE's coming up really fast and I forsee another drunken night.

Goodbye liver..

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