Saturday, January 13

Cigarettes & Rain

Listening to Give Me Novacaine by Greenday

David and Monty, about to get hot and heavy on my bed. lol

Been trying to upload this for awhile.. but Blogger's been quite a bitch. Don't matter now. 2007 has just started and it already sucks. I want to just stay at home and be emo from now on.. I did the most emo thing ever yesterday. I went out in the rain, just took my bike and went wherever i felt. I got drenched.. so I stopped somewhere, sat in the rain for an hour and chain-smoked. It was fuckin freezing yesterday. But it felt so fucking good.

I miss David.. and Steph. Atleast when they're here we could just go out and party and have a good time. Now there isn't really anything to look forward to.. It's ironic how when u do everything wrong, u deserve to be fucked over. But when you do everything right, somehow you still get fucked over.

"I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from here to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My finger in creases of distant dark places

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science

Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

I lay down on the cold gound
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off " ~Snow Patrol

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