Tuesday, March 6

Charbs & Co

Listening to Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order

If someone asked me to describe Charbee & Co. I wouldn't know what to say. Our greatness can't be described in a meagre sentence. I mean, u could probably write a novel or do a movie on Charbs and Co. and i bet u it'll sell fuckin well. But okay, I'm gonna give it a shot.


A.K.A. - Aoo Aoo, Cherry Tits, Cheebye Chong, JB chix
USP - MALAYSIAN. Also: tits that have been described as a runway, mosquito bites, pencil marks, chest indents.. etc.

A.K.A - Hello Clitty, Loo
USP - She's white, similarly flat-chested and is practically a white ah-lian because she looks like Hello Kitty threw up on her.

A.K.A - Joo, Fatty, JiPeng, Big Tits, LanJiao Lau, Lacy Lau
USP - Tits that can be seen from Mars and a dusty chee.

A.K.A - Lau Sai Pants, The Great Cock of China
USP - Shits in his pants and shows absolutely no control over his bowels. Be careful, he might shit on you. Apparently you can see his cock from space too.

A.K.A - Anus Ang, Moo
USP - Jon's partner in crime, she is always related to the anus. She claims to have a meadow chee too.

A.K.A - Xuan Bin, Bee Bee, M's ex
USP - The original Charbee. Can do acrobatic farts and has a one-pack.

A.K.A - Noo
USP - She's Malay. Famous for 'it's works!'

A.K.A - Kuku Ming, KukuBird Koh, Dying Cat

A.K.A - Poo, Prah, Prahnie, MC Balraju, Balls Balraju, Scab, Bangla Babe
USP - Indian. And she has gravitational tits. She also likes to puke on people.

In general, we laugh too loud and we always crack jokes about the people around us. We think we're the hottest people in the world. We're Mass Comm graduates but we speak bad english on purpose. We're multi-racial but we make racist jokes at each other. We joke about tits and balls. And we're probably the only people in the world who can make a career out of making ourselves look ugly.

How bored am i?
Anyhoo, my infrared filter arrived! OMG I'M HAPPY HAPPY. And it arrived just on time, like 2 days before i leave. This totally roxxx. And my mum's flying off tmrw morning, i just realised that that means that I won't be seeing her for a whole month. And surprisingly i felt sad, i mean if she went away for a month i'd be totally fine but now it's me going away for a month and suddenly im feeling sad about it. wtf right?

Ohwells.. THURSDAY we're having dinner at Holland V since Joo, Anne & I are getting out tattoos there. Meet at say 6 or 7? We're gonna eat at Crystal Jade because i want some good 'ol chinese food before i go. And if any of u feel like sending me to the airport, u can hang out at my place after dinner and share cab there with me (im paying for the cab anyway & max 4 ppl). I'm leaving for the airport around 4 and i'll have to go in around 6 so. Jules doesn't mind going if anyone else comes. Let me know yo. haha

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