Thursday, June 21


Listening to Let's Lightning by Pull Tiger Tail

ok first of all, JET completely blew my mind away. I mean it's common knowledge that they are not the hottest looking bunch in the world but when Nic Cester swaggered onto stage alone with a cigarette and a cup of coffee and a half smile curled onto his face I was like, wah that's skill.

And ultimately i still don't think they are pretty boys but they've got the right charisma and fantastic stage presence. All the way down to the end of the show everyone was so pumped, and when Nic came back alone for the encore with an acoustic guitar and started to sing Shine On I just wanted to hug everyone and cry. He really made my heart (and Priya's chi) melt.

They have. so. much. style. omg.. i love how much they were smoking on stage. It was fucking sexy.

AND, on to my next point of this post: Star Signs

Okay i know i have always thought horoscopes were more of a laugh, like just taking them seriously was gay enough. But we went out with Charbs & Co. last night and got talking about how the characteristics of star signs are actually pretty accurate. And a got pretty bored at home today and went to google it. And found it to be quite true. Of me and others.

PISCES (me):
".. Are beautiful, sexy and draw everyone to them."

Ok no seriously,

Water sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Pisceans are subtle, patient, sweet and tolerant. However, they can be also touchy and treacherous. Their typical features are a complex character, a great mind for fantasy and an extraordinary learning ability. They are irresolute and they are not keen in organizing, so that they prefer to be led by other people, both in private and in working life. Typical jobs are: football player, nurse, medium, mechanic and photographer. They have a strong religious feeling and artistic sensibility. Being so reserved, it is not easy to know and understand them thoroughly. Friendship and true and longlasting love are for Pisceans extremely important."
"You are a compassionate, sympathetic and loving soul. You are so sensitive that unconsciously you may absorb the moods and thoughts of the people around you. It's easy for you to become emotionally drained by the needs of friends, family and lovers, so it's important for you to take time out for yourself.

You are the dreamers of the Zodiac."

Pretty damned true eh?

I am a convert. There's more shit at if you want to go read about yours.

P/S: Sorry for the lack of updating, i've got a very sexy boyfriend to keep me occupied (:
P/P/S: I fucking shat a lot today, like 3 times. I think something didn't agree with my stomach |:

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