Tuesday, November 18

Get Giffy

There's something so mesmerizing about good GIF animations. I just can't tear my eyes away from them!

And while we're on the topic of things on loop, this video titled Timesculpture is a new ad by Toshiba that completely blew my mind away.. it was shot with TWO HUNDRED Toshiba Gigashot Cameras! Timesculpture uses ground-breaking new technology that's evolved straight out of the Matrix and an awesome style reminiscent of Feist topped with Crystal Castles for a soundtrack. It is srsly a must-watch (MUST I SAY!).

On a third note, I just remembered another must-watch video. Now tt I've gotten stop-motion, time-lapse, tilt-shift and loopy videos out of my system, there is just one left - Super slow-mo. Schwepps did an amazing ad a few months back with - at the time - new technology that involves water balloons popping slowed down to 2000 frames per second! It's just pretty damn cool when you get to see a ball of water floating in mid-air. Please bear with me, you will not regret watching this video:


  1. Those GIFs are amazing! Who isn't fascinated by a corn morphing into a pumpkin? And thanks for the link! :)

  2. the videos are amazing. brainiac has this section named "things, but very slowy". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIyeiYvMP-8&feature=related
