Saturday, December 27

Everyone Loves a Commie

The trip to vietnam was actually quite enjoyable, aside from the family shit. My siblings and i had a wager on when the first Chong Family Blowup would occur, steph won on the first day. lol.. But it was overall an eyeopener, just the traffic alone was mind-blowing. It was.. respect man. Srsly.. I've never seen such ordered-chaos in my life before. And everyone there was absolutely lovely, the people were so friendly, especially all the kids! I think xmas eve was the highlight cause vietnam won against thailand in a big soccer match and the streets were just packed with people carrying flags and home-made drums and whistles and just going nuts. There was just the crazy vibe, like everyone was so high-strung, and being in the crowd was a little intimidating, cause everyone's craaaazy on xmas eve. hahaaha after that we headed down to Lush, which is supposed to be saigon's biggest club. It was pretty good, the dj was awesome, and the party was just wicked.

Yeah the sight-seeing was not too bad either, we went to the Mekong river which was cool, and the war tunnels which was pretty insane too just cause of how ingenious the viets are. It was weird seeing how blatantly anti-american they were yet i found myself siding the viets. We also stumbled upon this shop full of original war propaganda posters which was a real eye-opener. Oh and I spent about a hundred USD on two paintings. I got The Elephants by Dali and The Son of Man by Magritte (so arty right). Though I don't think they'll really fit in my room now.. I'm kinda planning to keep them for when I get my own place in the future. Anyways, i shot about 3 rolls of film in Nam, so more will be coming along!

The weird thing is the christmas didn't really feel like christmas this year. In fact, i'm starting to resent christmas a little, in the way that it really fucks up the people who don't have a family to come home to. Steph says tt every year at the hospital there's always an influx of suicide patients coming in on xmas day. This year, a middle-aged woman jumped from the 12th storey, landing right in front of my lift lobby. I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

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