Friday, December 19

Make Garfield Proud

Now I've always been a fan of Current Configuration, since the day they wrote the Essential Life lesson #1: Over is Right, Under is Wrong article. Today, he posted up photos of his 8-month-old daughter, Blackbird. And aside from the strange, destined-to-be-goth/emo name, she's pretty cute. The highlight of the photo series was probably the scary-ass photos of his giant cat, Leto.

Srsly that thing is fuge! or maybe it's just the kid that's tiny. Still scary though, it looks like it could eat her in one gulp! Kinda reminded me of this photo:

On a completely separate side-note, I've also recently taken an interest in Top Gear after Jimmy's recommendation of the Ford Fiesta video. I can't imagine the sort of budget they have to have a full car chase inside a shopping mall and a 5-minute-long scene with the British Navy, with gun-battles and all! I highly recommend it to you guys too, even if you're not a car fan. It's an insanely entertaining video. I just love brit humour.

At least now that my holidays are starting i'll get to watch the rest of their videos.

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