Tuesday, December 16


I took great interest in these when they made their first round around the net, most of you guys have probably already seen some of them. So like a magpie, I stored it on my 'etc' folder which is full of random collections from the internet and eventually forgot about it. I stumbled upon one again today and I couldn't get my mind of them, I finally hunted them down and found them at Ginger Anyhow, whom I assume is the one behind them. It's a very basic site but the rest of her collection is there.

After going through her series twice, I realised why I was so attracted to them. They brought about a sense of mildly bitter nostalgia, because these are the sort of messages that we only see at the start, it's the little things that we take for-granted and become an almost forgotten part of our lives. I think the most interesting thing was how seemingly random messages felt so meaningful to me, because they are so easy to relate to. And I love how they are all connected, like little windows into someone's story. It made me want to know more. I wonder if those were the messages she saved from a lost loved one.

I highly recommend viewing the rest of her collection.

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