Saturday, January 24

A Certain Romance

Listening to Slide by The Goo Goo Dolls

"I wasn't trying to reck Candy's life, i was trying to make mine better" - Candy (2006)

Over the past two days I watched two hauntingly brilliant films. One was Candy, which I got from Jules. Candy, blew me away. I can honestly say that it's one of those films I will never forget. Candy tells the story of a pair of heroin junkies in love, and the lengths they went to for their addiction and how their lives inevitably went wrong. Heath Ledger and fellow aussie, Abbie Cornish did such amazing jobs in their roles. It was one of those movies that hit so close to home that it was so.. beautifully painful to watch. I'm gonna hunt the book down and read it.

The second, is The Notebook. I'm slightly ashamed to say this but this was the first time I saw the movie, despite having heard everyone rave about it time and time again. It just so happened that I was talking to a friend about it the other day. I downloaded it and .. I can't think of words to describe how sweet and sad it was at the same time. It was just, one of the most romantic movies I'd ever seen (and not in a sickening chick-flick kind of way). I have to agree that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have to be the best on and off screen couples ever.

'Here is the deepest secret nobody knows. Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart... I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart. ' - The Notebook (2004)

I want to kill myself, srsly. These two movies were just, so brilliant that I want to kill myself. They made me want to smoke 5 packs in a night, be a junkie, throw caution to the wind, pack up and leave, live in a hole, search for my answers and fall in love again.

And no Jules, I do not need therapy, thank you very much.

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