Tuesday, January 6

Redbull Redhorse

Listening to Young Love by Mystery Jets

I don't know if this is post-december depression or if I'm genuinely tired of it but i just don't feel like working anymore. I feel like I have the globetrotter bug. I have a feeling that work's gonna pick up, and i'm quite excited about it. It's just that for now, i'm tired. Weirdly enough, my bosses got me writing copy. And I don't mean the odd title, standfirst or proof-reading that I do, but copywriting. It's interesting and challenging, but it's soooooo difficultt *whine* and i am so sleepy today. It's weird how when I'm on holiday I can go for days with only handful of sleep and sparodic naps in between, like on a boat, at the airport or in someone's toilet (HAHA), but when I'm at work I can't last more than a few hours before feeling tired.

I miss so many things. And i hate how often i get that shitty feeling, the same feeling i get when i miss home while I'm away. I guess the bright side is that no one seems to want to end their decemeber cheer either. January, as it turns out, is quite happening too.


When the days all feel the same
Don't feel the cold or wind or rain
Everything will be okay

We will meet again one day

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