Tuesday, February 10

Something Nice

Getting a job is so 2008. Doing things for free is the new getting a job.

This is called the High Five Escalator, a random act done by Improv Everywhere. I'm starting to seriously love things like these. When you think of something for no reason at all, you can literally do whatever you want, however you want. No briefs, no clients. Brilliant. I mean, the best work that I've ever produced are the ones that were for free. The best part is that it's just so lovely to see people do things just cause, and not for some greater ulterior motive.

I absolutely love the fact that these guys came up with a simple idea to interact with the people of new york at the crappiest time of the day - morning rush hour - and succeed at making over 2000 people smile in the span of 40 minutes.

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