Thursday, February 5


Listening to TOP GEAR!

Ok i know there's been a lot of Top Gear going around my (and jules's blog) but this episode (part 1 & part 2) is just too good to miss. It's called the Mum Run episode where the 3 boys get their mothers to come on the show and test small cars. I love Hamster's mum. hahahaha It has to be one of the funniest episodes ever. These are the quotes I picked out -

James's mum sets off around the track with a bit of a tailspin.
Hamster: Look at that! Your mother drives so much faster than you, James!

Mrs. May: I don't quite like these low-profile tires.
James: O_O
Mrs. May: yes, i can almost feel every single bump on the road.
James: O_O ... low-profile tires? Where did you learn that from?

Hamster: did you know they put 19 gymnasts in this car when they launched it?
Mrs. Hammond: AHAHAHAH all from China, no doubt!
Hamster: ... oh dear.

Hamster: This is your challenge, i'm not really supposed to help you.
Mrs. Hammond: But I think you might.
Hamster: Well, .. yes mum.

Mrs. Clarkson: Can I go really fast?
Jeremy: Go as fast as you like, it's a pretty safe track.
Mrs. Clarkson: Yeah, but there might be things coming the other way!
Jeremy: Well, you've got a steering wheel.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I love Top Gear sssoooooooo much
