Monday, March 16

Summer Romance

Listening to This Boy's In Love by The Presets

If you haven't already seen Domestic Bliss, you should check it out. “Pitt’s idea of the irony of the perfect American family; set in 1963,″ is a brilliant concept shot by Steven Klien. I think actually.. it might just be an OK concept, it's just so brilliant when you put Brad & Angelina in it. I love it.

On my second note, I just watched Twilight. About 3 months too late or something. Omg Edward Cullen please do me hard in the head! HAHAHA I think the reason why teenage (and grown up) girls all over the world are so in love with Edward/Robert Pattinson, aside from the fact that he dresses well and is so goddamn sexy in the movie is because of how manly he is. Or his character at least. I mean even though I completely and utterly surrendered my heart and soul (and vadge) to Edward, somewhere in the back of my head I was aware that he was the not-very-hot character of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, and that he's not that hot in real life. And I was also aware of the fact that the film (and maybe the book, haven't read it so i wouldn't know) was designed to suck in girls.

I mean, he falls madly in love with her. He's so - incredibly strong! HAHAHAHAHAH couldn't resist that - powerful but he's gentle with her. And he's so.. drawn to her but he shows such restraint. It's pretty much any girl's wet dream to meet a man like that, vampire or not. AND he saves her. TWICE. In a totally manly and goddamn sexy sort of way. When he drove his car in to save her OHHH MOTHER OF GOD. SEXIEST SHIT EVER. SEE. SUCKED IN. ME. COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY SOLD.

Goddamn this. FUCK THIS SHIT. Truth be told watching Twilight made me feel like I've missed out in life. Part of me feels like I should hunt Edward down and part of me feels fucking irritated tt the movie made me feel like a teenage girl.

I'm also very annoyed because I feel like Twilight invented the perfect man. And he's a vampire. Fictional. Which means that the rest of us are doomed to a life of imperfect men. Because Edward set the bar. FML.


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