Tuesday, May 26

Turn Left!

Bangkok '09 has to be the most fun/tiring trip ever. We feasted, we laughed, we sexed each other, we fecested, we melted, we went to the 80s and back, we became artists, we partied like old indie-fucks, shopped like even indier fucks, walked till we could no longer feel our feet and bought fuckloads!

We slept an average of 5 hours a day and shopped an average of 12 hours a day. I was so tired that I couldn't be fussed with laying out all my gorgeous buys and photographing them.

So, my overall count goes:

19 tops
4 pairs of shorts
3 dresses
1 cardigan
1 pair of jeans
2 bags
1 vintage Versace/Louis Vuitton (Louce - loo-ee-shay) bag
6 pairs of shoes
5 necklaces
5 rings
3 bottles of nail polish
6 pairs of shoes
2 pairs of shades

That's 58 items for roughly $560 (after minusing off food/massages/leftover cash etc), bringing the average price of each item to SGD9.65 OMG CHEAPALONG!!

I'm so gonna make Bangkok a twice-yearly shopping trip. How can anyone shop in Singapore after going to Bangkok?

Betirri: Thanks! Well you've got to know someone who has an account and even then it's still insanely difficult to get in. Love your work btw (:
Priya + Mavis: Yes! We were supposed to do that in Suan Lum remember? ahahahah

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