Monday, September 19

fish fry

Listening to alphanumeric by B-Quartet

Today was unlike any other day. OK, u know how i have like no sense of direction whatsover. No, i do but i can be clueless sometimes. So i had no idea where the fuck yio chu kang was. I had 4 options on my most convenient routes,
1] Take a bus to Clementi Interchange.
2] Take 92 to Buona Vista MRT
3] Take 75 to Outram MRT
4] Take 7 to Orchard MRT
1] and 2] are out cause clementi is out of the way and 92 takes forever to get here. So being impatient me, i took the first bus that came, 75 to Outram [my first mistake]. 75 goes to the edge of town at Tanglin and then turns in the direction of Zouk. So instead of going straight to Orchard MRT, i went to Outram and the train took me past Orchard MRT so i ended up taking this big round. THEN, i realised that Yio Chu Kang is North west, not north east. Meaning if i had gone via clement >> Jurong East it would've taken much faster. In fact, the route i took went from West to Central then Central to North and North to North West. Balls.

The meeting itself was good, it was at Caldacott publications or however u spell that.. the home of 8 days and Lime and whatever else. LIME wants a lot of articles from us, and they're paying! yay! They're rebranding to suit an older crowd and we'll be in their 1st revamped issue in december! 4 page fashion shoot spread in NEW YORK and a 6 page travel article from our voyages in New York, Boston and Conneticut. glam or what? haha .. Even glammer, u know how Lime does a page of people on the streets that look hot? Like style and everything and do short interviews like what's ur fashion philosophy or where did u get your clothes from kinda thing? They want us to do that for New York and for Yale University in Boston and they've requested beautiful people only. Haha .. and guess who's gonna be taking photos of all the hot and gorgeous people? haha

Anyways. They're also organising the opening of Scape, the new skate park next to youth park and they'll be holding weekly or bi-weekly flea markets if im not wrong. Don't know where but it's $15 per stall. And they're also looking for local bands who wanna sell their demos at the flea markets, for Juan if he's interested.

Bla. I'm going for supper later. Albert's in Singapore for two days then he's off to Seattle again so yeah. And the rest of the guys that I haven't seen in ages are coming as well.. kinda an impromtu good-bye thingy for Steph and Albert i think.

[edit] i just got home. We were making up swearwords which was kinda funny. Tim showed up as well.. he's leaving for Aussie soon. ): everyone's leaving. Except Dennis. And dennis can drive now. Another friend i can exploit. He burnt me with his cigarette. Fucking nipple hair bastard.


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