Wednesday, October 12


I'm running out of creativity with my titles, the cold is sapping it away. It's 2.30 in the morning and we have to do research. WTF right. R. Yee's really pushing us for more and we're already stretched. Today was awesome though, went on the Staten Island ferry and took pictures of the statue of liberty and we visited the Ground Zero site. Then everyone split up, I went with Ben & Gerry to Grenwich village to do the story for Club Pets, i got a toy for Coco. I miss my puppy. We saw loads of adorableadorablest puppies and the resident cat here is really cute too. (:

And we went to this dog spa as well. Then we RAN around Times Square cause there's a USD$10 fine for being late and we got shitty directions. FUCK right. By the time we got there we were SWEATING. In new york. Where it's fuckin cold. Nnngh. But we saw TRL and 'Fall Out Boy' was there, we got free all-access-passes but we didn't go in. Too rushed. In away it kinda sucks cause we have to do work and we can't explore all the cool shops. I wanna go back to the Virgin Record store and get Death Cab shirts. I decided I can't afford gifts for everyone. Everything's so expensive here.

Went to this talk at the penthouse of this building and we were so underdressed. We had to do introductions, it was like speach comm tt lasted 10 hours which was actually 10 seconds and the audience is made out of women who are Editors of Vogue, writers from Style mag, PROs for Mercedes Benz, writers for the new york times. FUCK. But the talk was great and I got a really good contact for this woman who owns a photography company here in New york! Hopefully I can do an internship there next time.

Anyways, we got back late and I was tired as hell but hungry, so we went to Ray's Pizza which has HUGE pizzas for really cheap. So Christine, Shila, Rett and Izzat were like wandering in the middle of the night and it felt awesome. I mean, we're in New York City with the freedom to roam the streets. On our way back Christine was totally paranoid tt wewere gonna get mugged so we came up with all these retarded plans like running in zig zag lines so as to reduce the chance of getting shot. HAHA. Even this woman said that if anyone tries to mess with you just act real crazy and they'll leave you alone. But really, the area's pretty safe, there are loads of cars and people around and shops open till like 2am.

I was watching the news this morning and every single shoot-out seems to happen in the bronx. This morning a mailman walked into a building and got shot in the eye. And the worst bit is tt he's still alive. I mean for crying out loud, if ur gonna shoot me in the eye atleast kill me, i don't want to live through it. Ha.. and a nine year old girl got raped today. Criminal still at large. mm.. yea, credit running out. Alrighty, see u guys! I LOVE U ALL! I MISS MY BED! THIS HOTEL IS CRAP!

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