Tuesday, October 11

Staten Island Ferry

Hey! I'm in NEW YORK. Fucking hell. Haha.. ok, i want to complain first. The flight. WAS BALLS. The seats on the flight to Japan were really stiff and Izzat couldn't even get his chair to lean back. The plane from Tokyo to Detroit was better though, the seats atleast were satisfactory but it was so. fucking. long. As if the first 7 hours in a cramped chair aren't bad enough, we had to do another 11 hours. We were bordering on insanity. They had no individual tvs. FUCKERNEHNEH. Agnes, Steph and I ended up being really retarded and trying to see stars as we flew over the antarctic region. I gave up and went on a quest to find cup noodles. Finally, one of the air stewards smuggled me two cup noodles. His name's Kash and he looks like the black guy from the Green Mile, exactly the same.

Okay, next. The hostel. IF Jules were to be on this trip she would be crying by now. The rooms are TINY. Two single beds side by side and less than 2 square metres of walking space. No table, nothing. And two showers for the entire floor. The toilet doesn't flush. Can i say again, F.U.C.K.

Ok, I'm done complaining. Gerald managed to get free internet on his laptop. (: But all the same, I'm in New York. It's awesome. Albeit the crappy hole-in-the-wall of a hotel, it's cool. The buildings are exactly like those in F.R.I.E.N.D.S, with the fire escapes and everything. And we had huge 20 inch pizzas for really cheap. HA. Going to staten island on a ferry tomorrow to see the statue of liberty for free, and we're going to ground zero as well. And Long Island with Ben & Gerry. I've got loads of pictures! The weather rocks! I thought I'd be freezing but it's just perfect, it's not too cold it's like being in an air con room. Ok, everyone wants the laptop. Later!

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