Saturday, October 1

The Northern Lights

Listening to All My Only Dreams by The Wonders

I just finished Philip Pullman's trilogy, all.. 1288 pages. It is by far the most FANTASTIC book I have every read. I swear to god i thought that Lord of The Rings was it, and then I thought that none could beat Harry Potter but there you have it. Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Matter' trilogy, The Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass are simply the most orgasmic trance-inducing books I have ever read. You know the kind that you can't put down for even a second because the entire book is so goddamned fascinating that if you let it down you might just shrivel up and die from wanting to know what happens next?

Yes, it's one of those books.

It's the most creative and imaginative book that I have ever read that outshines all others by miles but more than that, it carries an underlying message. Below the fantasy lies the story of our lives, that's why you'll fall in love with the book, because you can understand and relate to what it tells you about your life. I swear this is one book that you HAVE to read.

"Every night I pray, I'll have you here someday.
I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might.
That when I close my eyes, you'll be right by my side.
Any waking hour it seems, I only have you in my dreams
So every night I pray, I'll have you here one day.
I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might.
That when I close my eyes, you'll be right by my side.
If I could have just one request, stay with me, I confess.
All my only dreams."

1 comment:

Mavis Ang said...

my connection is fucking up really badly, so gotta wait a little longer