Monday, October 3

Painting Day

Listening to Somewhere Out There by Our Lady Peace

We painted today. But before that. MY CONTACT LENS TORE IN MY FUCKING EYE AND I COULDN'T GET THE OTHER HALF OUT. cheebyes. As if it isn't bad enough that I had to spend one fucking hour in the toilet trying to wash all the paint out of my hair, I had to spend another half an hour trying to dig my eyeballs out. I think I can qualify for manual lasik operations after this. Painting was effing tiring, my legs haven't hurt this much since my first day at Tango's and my back hasn't ached this much since my last day at Tango's.

And I'm fungry.

So here's what happened:

  • We took XB & Pra's virgin painting experiences
  • Jules learnt how to make Ribena. [I'm really proud of her, in bangkok i taught her how to crack an egg. She's learning fast.]
  • Weiming wore my radioactive suit to paint.
  • He painted nipples on it and I painted his butt
  • Weiming's roller was really flacid.
  • Pra's roller was loose, so its head kept falling out.
  • Oh, and on the subject of dirty talk, I taught XB how to pump my sink.
  • It was his first time so he couldn't get it right.
  • Jules and I almost broke up.
  • XB's section of the wall looked like a 5 year old painted it
  • We got side-tracked and started painting each other
  • Mr. Cold Storage was born, eventually he became Mr. Pigman
  • Praa wore Paddington Bear shorts and was ecstatic over my magic wiper.
  • Juan painted a car with gold exhaust fumes and red headlights.
  • Weiming painted a very lovely self-portrait on my wall.
  • Mr. Pigman is still sitting on my couch.
I can testify these events with the following photographs:

Mr. Pigman, originally Mr. Cold Storage a.k.a. Jules' self portrait

it was love at first sight

I'm sorry but weiming thinks he's America's next top model.

He looks more like Freddy Krueger

paint makes u go kinda retarded.

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