Friday, October 7

Poor Little Midget

Listening to Erosion by Switchfoot

Ok, I realise that I'm not quite leaving on Monday, its more like Sunday night, I have to be at the airport by 3.30am. Fook right. There're two stop-overs, one in Narita, Japan and one in Detroit, a total flying time of 20 hours. Sounds like fun right. I'm rooming with Stephanie and I officially have no stories going out for the trip. So I'm no longer going there as a journalist but as a photojournalist instead. I'm doing photos for a few articles, Agnes' article for Lime on buskers in New York, Hajar's article on Designer Denim and Urban Style in Boston for Lime. Ooh, and I'm also doing pictures for an article for Club Pets magazine on lifestyles of the pets of the rich and famous [I WANNA PLAY WITH NEWYORK PUPPIES!] which I think is Benjamin and Gerald's article. I'm also photographing for Gerald's skateboarding article for some action sport magazine so I'm going out to Long Island with Ben & Gerry for that and the club pets article. It seems there's some major skatepark there that we're gonna be covering.

I HAVE NOT PACKED. I realised that all my clothes are fucking thin. I'm going there with thin clothes. I'm going to freeze my ass off. All I have to survive on are my jackets. Help me out, its either my denim MNG jacket which may not be that warm or my sister's thick Mambo jacket with a fleece collar. I'll be bringing my black jacket from Bangkok as well. I can't wait to go shopping there. It seems YiYing is going there to stalk Michael J. Fox. I know I was totally not psyched for the trip but I'm so psyched now. Hahah.. I really wanna see Death Cab in concert and I want to go to the Metropolitain Museum as well. G-L-A-M.

I still wish Jules and Mavis were coming.

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