Thursday, November 24


Watching Video Music Awards by MTV

OMG Damon Albarn is so fuckin' hot.

I've been totally unhealthy lately. I'm so utterly fuckin broke from buying my lomo-cam tt I can barely afford to eat. Been staying at home a lot and doing homework and eating instant noodles. HAHA .. best way to save money I guess. Anyways, Leslie wants me to act in his latest production. Apparently I'm gonna be a knocked-up girl. HAHA so sad.

Ranting and ravings:
  • I want BeBe back
  • I don't want to be alone anymore
  • I feel like moving out.
  • I feel like I'm not good enough.
  • I can't do what I really wanna do.
  • I feel like I'm wasting my time.
  • I feel sick.
and Jules is cheating on me.

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