Tuesday, January 31

CNY Blows

Listening to Heart In A Cage by The Strokes

Ok Strokes mania. Anyway. CYN blew the bananas. I fucking hate chinese new year. I think I harvested a total of less than 50 RINGIT. Balls. Visiting sons of bitches that just whine about how they hate each other all day.

Ok. moving along.

The good part about having to travel in a car with two adults who hate each other and suffering from the wrath of being surrounded by people either 30 years older than me or 10 years younger than me while I schemed all day to get out for a smoke, is that I actually did managed to get out. Haha .. I met my brother's good friend, Danni there. Really cool guy and best thing is that he's got his own car.


right. So he arranged to pick me up in CNY night and we took a drive just out of KL to the bar in Bangsar to meet some of his old high school friends, and man can those guys drink. I just sat down and his friend, Ong Siew asks if Absolut is fine with me. And I say sure. And then he opens a bottle. One WHOLE bottle. Within half an hour, the bottle was gone. Me and danni walked to 7-11 to get cigarettes. When we got back, there was a brand new bottle on the table waiting for us. HAHA.. holy fuck right. The guys, 4 in all (Danni, Ong Siew, Shawn and 'Rebel') were pretty pissed by the end of the night. So Danni and I drove to the nearest coffeeshop to sober up. Ong Siew drove by awhile later to join us after he dropped Rebel off and told us that they lost Shawn. hahah .. no shitting. The guy just got up and left. They couldn't find him.

Anyways. That dude, Ong Siew, spent about RM600+ within that 2 hours. It was insane. And they're really cool guys as well. Danni's coming down to Singapore sometime in March to buy toys. hehe .. he's a toy collector. His room's stacked from top to bottom with boxes of unopened collectable toys. And then he and Ong Siew are coming down again in August. So.. i'm gonna be partying a lot when they're here. Heheh

Alrighty then. Happy CNY to all u fuckers that got hundreds of dollars to spend. FUCK YOU ALL. hahha

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