Saturday, January 21


TVPROD was so much fun, the other group did an exotic dance demo and i was their rehearsal guest. U should watch it, i hate to brag but i'm a very good exotic dancer. ahahhahaha $20 per lesson, let me know if ur interested.

Zouk was amazing. I don't know why i've been such a clubbing whore lately. haha .. but seriously, i didn't really feel like clubbing yesterday except for the fact that Yuey and Ben got the extra free tickets for us. But yeahh, it was a brillio night. ooh and i saw Mark! hehe .. fresh outta army. It was totally weird, he was hanging out with my friends when i came across him. Strange eh. Well, anyways. Time to slow down, all the deadlines are coming up. To all of u in mass comm, get ready to work hard (especially Juan and Guang Rong or i'll kill u guys).

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