Sunday, February 19


Listening to I Believe by Rafe

Rafe has somehow made a comeback on my playlist. I was listening to 'Video Killed The Radio Star', just downloaded it. And for some stupid reason the 'Artist' is titled as 'RadioHead'. Weird. So Rafe came on right after that and haven't stopped listening to it since. Haha

Yesterday was .. phwalao-eh. I'm so glad we're in our last leg of feature writing. Tomorrow we can all just compile our black and white copy and our reports and peer evals and then throw the whole pile into whoever's pigeon hole. Feature writing has been a fuckin roller coaster. We went printing yesterday, I had to cancel my date for feature. :(

And we ended up at fuckin sunshine plaza from 11am to 6pm. I'm tempted to sue FMS for emotional damage. I hyperventilated and hyperventilated until i was so bloody demoralised that I had no more energy to hyperventilate. Finally we managed to print after loading the final files into my trusty IPOD - btw with 10% batt left on my laptop (that's one heart attack already). And then we RAN to Peace centre to bind everything.

God. I was so tired, and i had to go to Yuey's goodbye party in sentosa. I went, and i started to feel really, really sick on the bus there. But I forced myself to go, cause I probably won't see him again for another half a year. So. Yeah.. The party itself was pretty cool. Got to catch up and everything. There was only ONE other girl (Ann) there besides me. haha. And all the guys were watching soccer. eee.. Anyways, I just hung out with Ben & Yuey and talked shit. Made friends with Ann's friend who happens to have an amazing voice. He was playing his guitar and singing. PHWOAR! Pretty damn good.

But yes. I was feeling pretty shitty, and it got even worse in the cab home.. I had to get out before I even reached Pandan Valley cause I was about to puke. Woke up in the middle of the night and had to regurgitate my liver out because I was feeling so sick. I was on the verge of passing out. So i had to crawl back to bed. And I've been home ever since. Cooked lunch and dinner and visited the toilet like 20 times to empty my stomach. ugh.. it's really sick. And yeah.. been finishing up feature today.. putting together our bonus crap for the magazine and all the loose paperwork and recompiling the inDesign files so that it'll be easier for us to print the b&w copy tomorrow. Sigh.. I'd better get better by the time it's my birthday.

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